Dementia and the Remote Control

I noticed with conversations with my mother that she is struggling with her television remote.  She has called AT& T a couple of times, because she felt there was something wrong with her service.  It wasn't my mother's cable television, but my mother's dementia.

I did a google search for 'television remote dementia' or 'television remote Alzheimer', and I came up with a company called Flipper.  I saw the ad originally on the Alzheimer's association website, but it wasn't really clear as HOW this remote could help my mother.

So I did another google search, and this time it was for 'flipper remote control'.   Once I found their site there was a video that was started right away.  I can't tell you the sigh of relief I had when I watched it.  I wanted to share it with you today.

I ordered the remote, because I know her not being able to figure out the remote due to her dementia is a cause of embarrassment for her.   She had come over to my house this weekend, because she couldn't figure out WHY her television was again not working right.

Dementia has to be very frustrating for her, because she just couldn't spit it out correctly for me to figure out what the problem was right away.  She kept speaking about the screen on the wall, and I know I first asked her if it was the television.  She told it was not, but by the end of the conversation?  It turns out it was.  My brother was over today at her home, and he reset the television for her.  I hope my flipper remote comes in soon, so I can program this for her so she doesn't lose her ability to watch television when she wants to.

What seems nice is I can program her television and her cable box, and she will have to KNOW the code to change the settings.  I think she saw the AT&T serviceman working on the backside of her television, and I will have to remind to NOT touch that part!  I figured I will tape a post it note on those buttons for the times in which she forgets.

The remote has limited buttons:  2 for volume, and 2 for channel selection, and one for power.

WISH me luck with our new adventure when it comes to TELEVISION and my mother with dementia!
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